29 nov 2011

Andres Marroquin photos - Zapallal / Yurinaki

"Andrés Marroquín Winklemann's photographs in the series "Zapallal | Yurinaki" have the same bright, intense and episodic nature as my early childhood memories. The pictures are burnished, vibrant and yet urbane. His subject matter is decidedly determinedly quotidian, and what he has gathered together in so many of these photographs are in fact portraits of places to which a photographer's eye could only have been directed by one who has lived where he has been working. The work is everywhere attentive to, fascinated by the weight and sensation of ordinary life - seeks to re-imagine that life in collaborative reconstructions of its daily course that result in these rich, engrossing images. The palette of the images, the detail in each separate texture, the often luminous quality of light, all of these things give the work an undeniably sensuous quality, but these techniques are employed in the service of giving vibrancy to place in a way that might enable us to occupy it as memory, to occupy it as it is by those who - living there - have worked with the photographer to create these pictures."
Text source: www.andresmarroquin.com

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