6 oct 2011

The Hunt - Christian Jankowski

Christian Jankowski en la Web

The Hunt, 1992/1997
Single-channel video
Betacam SP (Master)
1:11 minutes, color with sound
The Hunt  is Christian Jankowski’s most seminal early project, the first video to encapsulate the conceptual twists and self-reflexive humor that now define his mature practice. The footage captures a segment of Jankowski’s week-long quest to eat only groceries he shoots in the supermarket with a bow and arrow. The Hunt is an excellent complement to Jankowski’s 3-channel video Point of Sale. Incisively direct, the early work reveals the groundwork of the latter project’s more discursive investigation of art, business, and their overlap.
(text taken from: http://www.icaboston.org)

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

¡Qué buen blog que tienes! Lo acabo de descubir y por lo que he visto me ha encantado. Felicidades!

Atrabiliario dijo...

¡Gracias annita!