31 may 2009

Computer Generated Poetry (en inglés)

Para acceder al Poetry CreaTOR2
desarrollado por Jeff Lewis y erik sincoff de la Universidad de Stanford,


He aquí el poema que generé con el uso de este programa:


An european swallow continues from the understanding trees,
Listless, helpless, but never talking
Instantaneously it descended from the front of the violet subway.
She was lingering herself--she had no choice
Quickly, the trees clawed at the door--she knew her love awaited behind
Guillotining for producing quickly done
Billowing, fanticizing, the walking felt like TV repairman.
Taste my fist or my other parts, feel the pleasure as I crucify you
So deal not with this once thy glorious doorknob.

Escogí el sustantivo árbol (tree), el adjetivo caminante (walking) y el sexo femenino.

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