pues cada ola
es un recordatorio
nuestra muerte
hacia la orilla.
Rosana Acquaroni
(De Cartografía sin mundo, 1995)

555 KUBIK | facade projection from urbanscreen on Vimeo.
"How it would be, if a house was dreaming"
The conception of this project consistently derives from its underlying architecture - the theoretic conception and visual pattern of the Hamburg Kunsthalle. The Basic idea of narration was to dissolve and break through the strict architecture of O. M. Ungers "Galerie der Gegenwart". Resultant permeabilty of the solid facade uncovers different interpretations of conception, geometry and aesthetics expressed through graphics and movement. A situation of reflexivity evolves - describing the constitution and spacious perception of this location by means of the building itself.
Production: urbanscreen.com
Art Direction: Daniel Rossa - rossarossa.de
Technical Director: Thorsten Bauer
3D Operator: David Starmann shineundsein.de
Sound Design : Jonas Wiese
Realized with mxwendler.net mediaserver
555 KUBIK was awarded a Silver Lion in Cannes [canneslions.com] and Silver by the
Art Directors Club Germany [adc.de]
Influencia from David Dutton on Vimeo.
A short film I made in Brasil with family and friends. We only used natural, existing light to make this. It was a great way to bond and learn the language.
Directed and written by David Dutton
Filmed and edited by David Dutton
Sound Editor/ Re-recording mixer: Anthony Wall
Music By Henry Dutton
Cartoon Robot by Mike Dutton
Wall paintings by José Dilton Perrelli
Translation by Liane Dutton
Narration by Pedro Formaggini Peterson
José Dilton Perrelli as Xuxu
Silas Nogueira - Jurandi
Exídio Correia - Zuca
Victória Vilas Boas - Sobrinha (Niece)
Narration by Pedro Formaggini Peterson
Shot in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Type Case from Martin Bircher on Vimeo.
The installation Type Case is a low-resolution display with 125 rectangular pixels of different sizes. These are formed from the reflecting light of digitally controlled LEDs, embedded in each section of a European printers’ type case. Due to the standardized fragmentation of its compartments, the density of visual information is decreased towards the objects’ centre. Viewed close by, it is nearly impossible to recognize more than a flicker – however after moving some distance away, it becomes distinguishable, that the lights and shadows give a representation of the latest headlines.
Music: "Comfortable Mystery 4" by Kevin MacLeod
Type Case website: mar.li/type_case.php