31 oct 2010

Del silencio

Mientras el cuerpo nos protege
del desastre

y un turbión hace cauce en nuestras venas
y se nos cubren los ojos de raíces agrias

mi alma sabe que allá del otro lado
en la esquina o tienda o consultorio
también tú te sufres en la oscuridad
con los brazos abiertos
para recibirme.

Rogelio Guedea

Ryan Gander, A sheet of paper on which I was about to draw,
as it slipped from my table and fell to the floor, 2008

28 oct 2010

"Aisha" de Cheb Khaled

Cheb Khaled en la Web

Alwar Balasubramaniam: Art of substance and absence

Alwar Balasubramaniam's sculpture plays with time, shape, shadow, perspective: four tricky sensations that can reveal -- or conceal -- what's really out there. At TEDIndia, the artist shows slides of his extraordinary installations.

27 oct 2010

What Will Be, Will Be

Parte 1:

What Will Be, Will Be (Part 1) from Nicholas O'Brien on Vimeo.

A series of videos using footage from Doris Day's on-screen performances of Que Sera Sera re-dubbed using Microsoft's Songsmith, by Nicholas O'Brien.

26 oct 2010

Fragmentos de "El Libro de los Márgenes II"

"El libro --había anotado-- no se abre de izquierda a derecha, ni de derecha a izquierda, sino de arriba abajo: una página en el cielo, una página en el polvo."

"No hay palabra que no surja del silencio. Y cuanto más pesado sea ese silencio, más grave será esa palabra."

Edmond Jabés

When a clock is seen from the side it no longer tells the time
Johann Kóning

21 oct 2010

Los mensajes proyectados de Jenny Holzer

"Jenny Holzer is famous for her short statements, formally called ‘truisms’. some are common myths while others are just phrases on random subjects in the form of slogans."
Read more at: designboom Web

20 oct 2010

¡Vaya forma de tocar!

Ronnie Moipolai from Botswana plays a guitar:

Ronnie Moipolai en la Web

19 oct 2010

When Herzog Rescued Phoenix

Sinopsis: In this animated short from the creator of "When Lynch Met Lucas" famed film director Werner Herzog recounts the time he rescued Joaquin Phoenix from lighting a deadly cigarette.

18 oct 2010

17 oct 2010

New Virgin Atlantic Advert 2010

Una fatua ficción sobre volar en nuestros días.

Otra fatua visión más cercana
a la realidad del viaje

16 oct 2010

Documental Marwencol - ¡Quiero verlo!

"Marwencol is a real place, even if it exists mostly in the imagination of Mark Hogancamp. The fictional Belgian World War II town was born after the artist nearly died 10 years ago, beaten by five men who attacked the Kingston, N.Y., resident at a local bar. When he awoke from a coma nine days later, he recalled, "all the connections were broken." A talented illustrator who also was, in his words, "a half-gallon a day drunk," Mr. Hogancamp lost his drawing skills, much of his memory and his thirst for booze. But then he picked up an old Pentax K-1000 camera, loaded it with 35mm film he could buy at a store two blocks from his home, and started building his own little world, using scrap wood left behind at a construction site."
(Fuente texto: Wall Street Journal)

Trailer 1:

Trailer 2:

Marwencol Movie Web
Leer reportaje en el Village Voice (inglés)

La bucólica

María Gabriela Lovera - Valderromán 2010

13 oct 2010

Sin Título

Nada te gasta

Miguel Ángel Bernat
(En La belleza del silencio, Ediciones Calambur, Madrid, 2008)

Salida de la fábrica ayer y hoy

Workers leaving the factory - Dubai (2010):

Workers Leaving the Factory (Dubai) from Ben Russell on Vimeo
(8:00, 16mm, silent, 2008)
Author Ben Russell: 115 years later, another remake of the Lumiere Brothers pseudo-actuality film La Sortie des usines Lumière. This time around our factory is a job site, a construction site peopled by thousands of Southeast Asian laborers, a neo-Fordist architectural production site that manufactures skyscrapers like so many cars.
And the original reference:

Les Lumiere - La sortie des usines (1895):

10 oct 2010

The Bit-52's The World's Greatest Parts Band playing The B-52's - Rock Lobster

Descripción :
"The Bit-52's consist of: Male vocals - TI99/4a computer, speech synthesizer and terminal emulator ii module. Back-up female vocals - Two HP Scanjet 3C scanners (Not Printers), UBunto and sjetplay written by NuGanjaTron. The Guitar, Keyboard, Cow Bell, Cymbal and Tambourine are all controlled by various types of push/pull solenoinds for a total of 23. The Solenoids are powered by four ULN2803 darlington drivers and everything is controlled by two PIC16F84A microcontrollers."

9 oct 2010


Con el agua hasta el cuello
de tu botella
Bebo de ti
que arden
cuando atraviesan la garganta,
como ciertas palabras
que luego se asientan tibias
en el corazón.

M. Gabriela Lovera - Madrid 2010

Mihai Grecu - Coagulate

Día lluvioso

El otoño desde mi ventana
María Gabriela Lovera - Madrid 2010

7 oct 2010

Fotografías de Sally Gall

Sally Gall en la Web

"Sally Gall is a photographer living and working in New York City. In addition to her fine art career, she teaches photography, and works as an editorial and advertising landscape and lifestyle photographer. Her work is in numerous museum and corporate collections and she has been awarded several prestigious fellowships, which include two MacDowell Colony Fellowships and a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Residency." (Fuente: www.sallygall.com)

2 oct 2010

Sin Título

A mí me han inventado.
Madre, a mí me inventaron, tú no tienes la culpa.
Deja ya de llorar que no es de ti la falta,
sino de Aquél que me hizo sin pedirte permiso.

Pilar Paz Pasamar

(En Los niños interiores, Editorial Calambur, Madrid, 2008)

Fotograma del film "Mother" de Joon-Ho Bong (2009)


Grace Jones en la Web
Iggy Pop en la Web